Hi! My name is Dave Cass.

Dave Cass PicAs many of you may already know, last year 2014, I produced $598,097.00, in new business sales, for my son’s plumbing business.

To produce the above mentioned, incredible huge dollars sales, my son used a unique marketing system I developed and designed, just for plumbing contractors.

A marketing system, by the way, that additionally gave my son’s business a mind blowing $67.54 Return on Investment (ROI).

As many of you may also know, I am willing to reveal to you, complete details on the huge sales and profits making marketing system, my son uses, absolutely FREE – Only though, If in return you will do something for me that I am convinced will hugely benefit both your business and my son’s plumbing business.

Before I tell you what I want you to do, once again I need to repeat that, much of the following information I am about to give you many of you may already know from an email letter I just sent you, which directed you to this website.

Anyhow, regardless of how you got to this website, following is what I need you to do, in order for me to give you, absolutely FREE, the complete details on the incredible marketing system my son’s plumbing business used to produce, last years $67.54 ROI and $598,097.00, in new business sales.

To begin, first, as we all know, buying power can help you to save and earn more profits.

Additionally, buying power can help you to give and get the best services possible.

Primarily, buying power is a numbers game. The more numbers you have, the more buying power you have.

With this thought in mind, we invite you to join us in our attempt to organize an alliance consisting of the largest number of licensed plumbing companies, in the USA.

Your membership is absolutely FREE and it will always be FREE.

The savings, advantages and benefits of being part of a large national member’s alliance, could be huge.

To get started and to join our plumber’s alliance, complete the blank form below and click the SUBMIT Button, you will be then immediately enrolled into our “National Reliable Plumbers Alliance”.

Additionally at the same time, soon after you have enrolled, you will also receive absolutely FREE, by email, my huge sales and profits increasing, marketing system, I promised to send you -The same incredible marketing system that last year 2014, produced an amazing $67.54 ROI and $598,097.00 in new business sales, for my son’s plumbing business.

Start today, to dramatically increase your sales and profits by completing the below enrollment form and then clicking the form’s SUBMIT Button.

“National Reliable Plumbers Alliance”
Enrollment Form

Please Fill Out Below

We look forward to our mutual successes.

Dave Cass
CEO and Founder
“National Reliable Plumber’s Alliance”
4808 N. Hubert Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33614
Phone 813-448-2859
Email: support@NationalReliablePlumbersAlliance.com

Copyright 2015 DALACA, LLC